Welcome to the vibrant world of R-Kids Ministry, the children’s ministry arm of Ruach Assemblies, where we are dedicated to nurturing young hearts and minds in the love and truth of Jesus Christ. At the core of our ministry is a firm belief in the lordship and salvation found in Jesus Christ, and it is our privilege and responsibility to instill this foundational truth in the lives of the children we serve.
Our mission goes beyond mere instruction; we are committed to training up children who are firmly rooted in the principles and values of God’s Word. Through engaging lessons, interactive activities, and meaningful relationships, we aim to equip our young disciples with the spiritual tools and understanding they need to navigate life with confidence and purpose.
Central to our approach is the belief that every child is uniquely created by God with a divine purpose and destiny. It is our earnest desire to see each child discover their identity in Christ, understand their worth and value as beloved sons and daughters of God, and embrace their calling to be powerful ambassadors of His kingdom here on Earth.
Mission: Teaching the word of God, instilling obedience and good morals in the lives of our children so that they can be the light in the world.
Vision: Raising the next generation of Kingdom champions, to grow and develop to their maximum potential, teaching them who they are in Christ
GUIDING SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 22:6 (Amp)
“Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it”
Classes and Curriculum
Little Angels Ages 3-4years
We have designed the curriculum to equip your child with foundational knowledge of basic bible stories as well as know how to pray, obey and demonstrate basic etiquette.
Saints A: Ages 5-6
The curriculum is structured to build a deeper knowledge of Bible stories and your child should grow in their prayer life, memory verses and what it is to be a Christian.
Saints B: 7-8 years
These two years are the beginning of an exciting journey for your child in the study of the Bible. They will begin to know about each book and author and will establish a growing personal relationship with God.
Disciples- Ages 9-12 years
The final leg in the children’s ministry we continue with Bible study but with greater emphasis on character development. At the end of the four years your child will know and have the right characteristic of a good leader.
Program and Activities
- Celebrating Birthdays and movie Sunday: This event is celebrated with cake and a movie every 3 months and it is for all the children born in that quarter.
- Vacation Bible Study– April and August school holidays; Children aged 4 -12 years. This is a 3-4 day themed event which includes Bible study, dance, drama, art and craft and games.
- Bible Camp- August holidays; One week away camp for children aged 9 to 12years old. Activities include: team building, life skills and bible study.
- Children Fun Day– August Holidays; One day event for children 3 years and above.
- Children’s Conference– November. Children aged 4 and above from various schools and churches will congregate for one week learning and hearing the Word of God, taking part in talent workshops, team building activities and life skills.
- Art, Sports and Media club– 2-3 times a year the children take part in the Saturday morning radio show on Truth Fm and this is along the plans for the ministry to venture into talent clubs that will focus on nurturing creative talent in children and will also be another way to reach out to children in our community through activities and events.