As Christians, God has given us the free will to choose. We can choose to stand by the Lord like Joshua, who said that he and his household, will serve the Lord when Israelites saw serving the Lord as undesirable.
What choice have you made? Are you following God, or you lost track of Him? We sometimes get to a point where something else is more important than God and forget that there will be a time of reckoning.
But God did not waste time in creating you. He has a plan and purpose for us. An unconditional love that cannot be shifted. God is our God, and we can’t get enough of Him.
1 John 4:19 says that we love because God first loved us. Our heavenly father has been pursuing us. He has never given up on us. Likewise, show Him how much you love Him.
Just like growth is a factor of persistence and is intentional. There are things we have to do to grow in our relationship with God. To receive things we are looking after, we need to push.
Push and have faith like the bleeding woman who trusted that she will be healed after touching Jesus. The Lord promises to find you when you seek Him. He says look no further. He will reward you when you submit to him.
Yes, we can fall, but whether we can rise to seek his forgiveness and humble at his feet matters. Jesus used the Parable of the Lost Son to explain God’s eternal love for us. Is there any earthly father who can give his son an inheritance, let him waste it and still wait for him to return home?
When the prodigal son came to his senses, he found his father patiently waiting for him. As the son asked his father to allow him to dine with the servants, the father responded by showing him love and asking for a robe to be wrapped around him.
Just like the shepherd who left 99 sheep to look for one lost one, or the woman who searches for one lost coin celebrated after finding their most priced possession, the prodigal son’s father threw a party in honour of his son.
You are a cause of heaven celebration every time you return to God. Lets us sacrifice it all for the sake of God. Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:7-9 says that whatever were gains to Him, he now considers loss for the sake of Christ. He considers everything garbage because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus.
Psalms 63:11
Luke 8: 43
Luke 15: 3-7
Luke 15:11
John 4:19
Philippians 3:7-9