What would you give if God asked you to give anything that represents His worth? Remember that God created everything and is your provider. There is nothing you can give back that He doesn’t already have or create. As a Christian, it is important to understand how God operates so that you do not live in error, rather than being concerned with doing big things.
When you give a little, God multiplies, amplifies or simplifies it. For example, Jesus fed 5,000 men with only five loaves of bread and two fish. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah multiplied the little flour and oil provided by the widow of Zarephath. God takes what you have and multiplies it when you give with a faithful and willing heart.
In 2 Kings 7, God amplified the sound of the feet of four lepers, making it appear like it was an army, thus providing food for a starving Israel. While David was fighting Goliath, God amplified his strength, enabling him to conquer the armoured Philistine with only a stone. Before David saved the Israelites, his brothers had looked down upon him, but he went to war with the little he had.
God can also simplify that which appears mysterious to you. For instance, Joseph and Daniel interpreted dreams for others, and God simplified the mysteries of the Kingdom through Jesus. God simplifies that which is harder to understand because he is sovereign. He also wants to demonstrate to us that he is omniscient – all-knowing.
God gives you material wealth, talents, abilities, and ideas. He gives everything in seed form, and every idea starts with something little that is cultivated to grow. When you focus on and develop an idea, it comes to fruition, and the end product is exponential. Listen to God’s voice and let Him guide your ways.
1 Kings 18
2 Kings 7:3-20
John 6:4-9
John 6:10