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Stick To Your Lane

Two Sundays ago, Pst. Don began a series on Keep Moving Forward. With my spirit, soul and body alert, quite appreciative of the fact that I can once again dress up and head to the house of God and have brothers and sisters seated to the the right and the left is not something to take for granted any longer.

I have never wished to be and did not appreciate being an acquiesced bedside baptist! I hold close to my heart the words of David,”I was glad when they said unto me, let us go to the House of the Lord!” But I digress. Drawing from his experiences over the years and most recently his near encounter with a raving bus while on a bicycle, Pastor hilariously brought out the importance of adhering to instruction despite fear and distractions.

One statement though could not leave my mind! “Stick to your lane” more often than not this statement is often used as a colloquial way of reminding another to “mind their own business”. I was therefore quite enlightened-even tempted to call it a Rhema but I know better, when he elaborated the statement from a sportsman point of view.

I always wondered where the fairness was on the design of the athletic track. Pastor Don broke it down lane by lane ably demonstrating the justice and righteousness in the design of the track and why the first was not advantaged compared to the last.

In his exegesis-as Rev. Kyula would call it, Pastor Don not only demystified the athletic racing track but further went on to bring out the realities of appreciating one’s lane on the track that the race of life deals us. God is not unjust when He gives us the first or last lane…they are all equal in His eyes. “He is not limited in methodology nor short of methodology, His path is almost always predetermined.”

A sure word to every Kingdom Champion, that God always has His plan and purpose mapped and planned out-if only we will stick to our lane.

Forever Love,
In Christ,
Waithera Gaitho

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