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What lies behind the call?

God says I knew you before the foundations of the earth. Jeremiah was told, “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”  There were conversations held between God and you (your spirit) before the foundations of the earth and you were given your mission. Then you were sent to earth and your goal is first to answer the call and the rest shall fall into place. Then society gave you a name that they thought was associated with your character and eventually your destiny. A name you answered to before the call. But like every superhero movie I have seen, there is something inside that seems to call them out of their comfort zone. Out of the box that society had curved for them. Gideon was from a family that was the lowliest tribe of Israel and even in that tribe his family was the lowest. A box that meant he had to live his life labelled as a coward and weak. BUT God.

The call came upon his life and He answered. Jesus The Christ said, “Behold I stand at the door, and Knock; if any man hears my voice and open the door, I will come into him and eat with him and he with Me.” This is the call; this is the voice inside every superhero to become what they were born to be; extra ordinary. Gideon become the one to deliver Israel the nation from the Midianites and what was once read as Gideon the coward and from the weakest family and the weakest tribe of Israel now reads, Gideon a military leader, judge and prophet whose calling and victory over the Midianites are recounted in Judges chapter 6 to 8. How God changes what others call us, the bible says, “God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.”

Naaman was a commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy. Now a band of raiders from Aram had gone and had taken captive a young girl from Israel and she served Naaman’s wife (2 Kings 5:1-6). This nameless girl saw that his master suffered from a disease that was as deadly and contagious as what we face today. She remembered a prophet back home who could heal her master. Remember this girl was taken captive, her heart could have been very cold towards her masters, but God loves a broken and contrite heart. This nameless girl sends her master to her homeland to look for the prophet. When Naaman gets to prophet Elisha, the guy does not even come out to see Naaman. He gives orders for Naaman to go dip himself in the river Jordan 7 times. Naaman was angered by this but one of his servants said to him,” Sir, you have come all this way, what will it hurt to try?” that’s my version. So Naaman dips himself seven times and he is fully healed. This nameless girl who asks for nothing in return not only brought healing into the house of Naaman but also salvation to Naaman and his household.

Saul the butcher of Christians was on his way with a letter to kill all Christians in Damascus. Then Ananias got a vision from God to go to the house of Judas on straight street and ask for a man called Saul from Tarsus. All the Christians then knew who Saul was. This was essentially a suicide mission. Like any of us, Ananias had to verify if God knew the guy he was sending him to. He asks God, this is the same guy who has been killing believers and now has a letter to arrest and kill all of us here. And God says, “Go, for He is my chosen instrument to deliver my message to the gentiles. Ananias leaves and goes to the house of Judas and meets Saul. He not only heals Saul but also baptised him. Paul mentions Ananias as the man who healed him from blindness in the book of Acts. God used Ananias to heal and commission a man who would change the cause of history for gentiles like me.

One night a teenage girl was excited about her upcoming wedding to the man of her dreams and suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to her. The angel told her that she would get pregnant and bear the Son of the living God. She says to the angel, “how can this be seeing as I know no man?” The Angel of the Lord said to her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would conceive a Son. She answered, “be it unto me according to Your word”. She becomes pregnant with a baby whose credits are too long to list. A song is sang about her asking if she knew that when she kissed her Son she kissed the face of God. What a privilege and honour to be the earthly parents to The Son of the Living God.

The call is a silent voice ever since you were born that leads you to the purpose of your birth. The journey on earth is basically remembering who you are and Who sent you. It is executing every command that was given to you in the secret place way before the foundations of the earth. Have you heard the call? I urge you, answer the call and get ready to see great and mighty things that the Lord has in store for you.

God bless you.

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